A few of you on Instagram noticed the planter in the background of my recent candle stick post for Design* Sponge! I’ve got to say the comments made me so happy as I made the planter for the ‘All in the Details’ series I’m making in collaboration with Homedit. The comments were so sweet. You guys know how to make a girl feel good!
I’m really enjoying this series and even just three weeks in I feel like I’m already starting to make an positive impact on my home. I think it’s the careful planning of handmade decor that can look so much better than buying several items at once and maybe an impulse purchase here and there. When you DIY your surroundings each piece is thoughtfully curated one at a time for a specific purpose and a place. An upcycled dresser or hand printed cushion will really make an impact on your home and it is so worth the effort!
One thing I’ve learnt about making my home beautiful, interesting and ultimately comfortable and inviting is that there’s no rush. Although I want everything to be finished and for my furniture to match (or mismatch in that perfect, thrown together way) I’ve realised if you rush it you’ll never be happy with the outcome. For now I’m trying to organise the space I have and spend time create quality smaller, interesting items that will accessorise my key pieces once they are ready. Each addition in turn makes me a little happier when I see it completed and in it’s place. And if that doesn’t convince you remember guys, it’s not the destination….
If you’re looking for planter DIY tutorials then check out my most popular ones right here!
Dalmation patterns are currently very popular in everything from planters to upholstery and drapes.
I love this pattern, it looks great in a flower pot.
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