Do you ever get those days when you wish you could just start again from the beginning or for choice of a better word (you’ll see why) delete the day and just continue on without it ever happening? Yes, yesterday was definitely one of those days. Why? Because little old ‘thinks she is a web developer’ over here deleted the blog from the face of the earth early Sunday morning!!
As you can imagine, a stressful 6 hours ensued with me shakily trying to explain what I did over a web chat to my host who (bless him/her) managed to retrieve most of the blog. We lost our ecourse and all the work we’ve done for We Make Collective as well as all the images for the blog posts! But these are all things that can be remade/uploaded so I’m looking on the bright side. It could have been so much worse!
This week I’ll be working on getting everything back to a good working order and reposting some of the posts that have been lost from the last week. I apologise for the reposts that might come up in your Bloglovin or rss feeds. And I’ll also be writing a post about backing up! I was always a little confused about backing up and luckily I did have a plugin that backed up the majority of the blog but I’ll be researching this much more thoroughly this week and sharing it with you all!
Thanks to everyone who has sent over a message letting me know where I need to update the images. I’ll start working on those places asap!
Now I better get back to work!
EDIT: Now we’re all back up and running again YAY! You can read our tips to backing up (before and after the loss) right here
Oh my goodness! This is a total nightmare! I really hope you get things sorted and back to normal you poor thing x
Thanks Teri! It was pretty scary for a few minutes(hours) but luckily I did have everything backed up or saved and it looks like it’ll all be back to normal next week. Such a relief! xx
Oh my word! So glad that you are managing to look on the bright side and thank goodness all was not lost. Thinking of you! x
Thank you Katy! Definitely learning my lesson from this experience but luckily we should be back to normal soon. Maybe even before the workshop! Which I cannot wait for by the way (if I haven’t said yet… like a hundred times..;)) xx
Oh no! This is one of my blogging fears! Glad to hear you’re getting back on track!
Thank you! It’s a scary moment. Make sure you back up!! ;)
Oh, dear, this is bad luck for you. This is a bloggers nightmare.
Hopefully you can go back to normal quickly. I’ll think of you.
Dear greetings, Margaret
Hey Margaret. Thank you. Things are getting back up much quicker than I had originally anticipated so it’s looking good. Thanks for your support :)
OMG!!! this sounds extremely stressful!! No need to apologize :)
Take your time and I’m sure everything will be in order really soon again!
Thanks Anna-Rosa! So nice to have such wonderful support. Thank you x
Oh gosh, nerves racking!!! But with a bit of patience (or perhaps a lot) you’ll hopefully recover most; things always happen for a reason -;)
Thanks Margarita! I think you’re right. I just keep thinking perhaps this happened now so I would put a better system in place to stop it happening further down the line when there is much more to loose? I like to think about it that way :) xx
Oh no!!!!! Blimey how scary!!! I know how it feels when things go wrong it is just awful. It is just so stressful.
Poor you!
It’s that heart sinking moment isn’t it! It’s just the worst, but we’re getting back on track now thanks Alison xxx
Oh no! Sucks to have to go through all this. You have the right positive attitude and can’t wait to see your gorgeous reposts!
Thanks Maritza! I do feel positive about it. Mainly because I can get it all back in shape with some time and effort and because I have such a great supportive community in blogging. It’s all good :)
Oh, you sweet thing. I am so sad to hear this! Also, this is basically my nightmare. I have to recommend that you check out VaultPress! It’s a WordPress-specific backup that will back everything up daily so should you ever have an issue like this ever again you can just restore from the latest backup and at most would lose a maximum of the 24 hours of content. I have never had to backup, but I pay for the service every month so I know I’m safe if something crazy happens. (It doesn’t cost much and is definitely worth it if/when you need it!)
Thank you so much Cyd. I’m definitely going to check out Vaultpress. I think it’s worth paying for the peace of mind. I’m glad I had a basic back up in place but life would have been a lot easier (and less stressful!!) with something like this. Thanks for suggesting it :)
Good luck with getting everything back online!!
Thanks Masaya! It’s getting there xxx
Oh god no! Poor you! I hope it’s not too much work. I can’t even begin to imagine how it must have felt. I’m sure you’ll get everything back in order very soon. :)
Thanks Julie! It’s a little tedious but I’m powering through. Don’t you worry about me. Just make sure you’re backing up ;)
OH NO!!! That’s literally the worst thing that can happen to a blogger, I’m sorry you had to go through that! Glad it largely turned out OK, and good for you for keeping a positive attitude about the whole thing! xx
Thanks Vickie! Yeah, after the initial ‘my life is over’ moment and when I realised I had it all backed up in various places it was such a relief. Just so happy it’s not all gone for good! Live and learn xx
Oh no what a nightmare! I hope you get everything back up and running really quickly x
Thanks Kate! We’re getting there now :D
Oh man. Best of luck!!
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