Reading about many of my favourite bloggers attempting to organise their homes and clear out the clutter has given me a new lease of life when it comes to my own plan to minimise my belongings and only hold onto things that I want and use. So many things are potential projects that never get done and it’s easy to get attached to something that might one day have a use, but it’s all about being ruthless and cutting ties.
Magazines are a problem. I keep them because their images and information hold so much value to me. These beautiful, inspirational books that don’t have glowing screens and distracting messages. I can get lost in these magazines and come out with new ideas each time. BUT I rarely do so. Do I hold onto them for to odd occasion I might feel like reading them? They needed another use. So many of the covers are beautiful works of art in themselves so why not display them? I’m hoping that keeping the magazines in full view and not hidden away on a shelf will help me become more proactive in both regularly reading and whittling them down to a manageable level.
So I got down to some DIY (of course) and made these Magazine Hangers. They are so simple and cheap to make and now my magazines are hanging in full view of my sofa to remind me to read them when I’m thinking about new projects. You can go over to Homedit to see the full tutorial and make them for you own magazine habit. Don’t deny you have one! (Or at least humour me to make me feel a bit better about mine)…
Wow, this is such a great idea. I love magazine covers – they’re so beautiful but I am never sure how to display them. What an amazing post! :)
I used this get free robux in playing roblox and i easily defeated all my opponents in this massively multiplayer game.