I posted a picture on Fall For DIY’s Facebook page the other day which had a lot of people telling me off for my choice of footwear. All in good spirits of course, but in any case I leapt to the defence of my sandal choice (well, cried a bit) and vowed to keep wearing them until my toes get – just a bit – numb (well, made whining noises). You get the gist. I don’t want to stop wearing sandals just because we’re prone to downpours at a moments notice or because when I step on the wrong paving stone I’ll have a wet foot for the remainder of the day. NO. I’ll wear sandals until it snows or I start getting told off by people in the street (this has actually happened. Not to me but a friend in a Croatian public bathroom….)
So, for all you tough, sandal loving hero’s (and you lucky, lucky guys from hotter climes) here’s a little something for you: Metallic Birkenstocks! I’ve added links to the real deal Birkenstocks to update but I suggest this more as a great way to pep up an old pair (or find a similar style sandal) and give them an on trend update.
- Clean up and tape all parts of the sole leaving the whole leather strap exposed.
- Undo the straps of the leather.
- Spray a light layer of paint over the leather and buckle and leave to dry.
- Repeat the last step 3/4 times until you’re happy with the coverage. Do not be tempted to spray thicker layers. You’ll end up with streaky and blobby bits. That’s not the look we’re going for.
- When you’re completely happy with the coverage of the paint leave to fully dry for a few hours. Carefully peal back the tape.
Now wear your sandals with pride, but do your best to avoid muddy puddles and soggy grass.
Love these, especially the rosegold colour ones!
absolutely have to try this!
Why didn’t I think of this!? I spray painted a pair of cowboy boots 30 years ago and they still look great! I’ve got all the supplies to change a pair of turquoise Berkis into gold. As for how long to wear your sandals… that’s what socks are for, learn to knit and start making and wearing stunning socks and people won’t even notice your sandals.
can I do this with suede? If so, How? Thanks!
Fabbo! Any chance you can advise the spray paint color of the rose gold looking ones? Have looked at all color choices on the link and can’t seem to see this color choice. Thanks
Girl you rock your Birks till they fall off your feet. I have been since the 70s. Had about 12 or 13 pairs till all but the pair I had on got stolen. Lol. And to all those nay sayers hold your head high knowing YOU MY DEAR ARE THE COOL ONE WITH THE HAPPY FEET. XO—Gigi
Is this just regular spray paint or a special kind/type?
This is why i love marijuana! or.. Hemp.. Its so versitile. Eeveryone is dabbing now adays but did you know they even have none “phycoaftive” cbd dabs now.. Its becoming super normalized. Has anyone tried it before? https://cbdfx.com/products/cbd-wax/ I wonder what it tastes like.
Wow, it sounds like you’ve been incredibly busy working on the new We Make Collective site! Putting in all those hours and tackling various tasks like packing, coding, admin work, and editing must have been quite intense. However, your dedication and hard work have paid off, and it’s great to hear that you’re happy with the result, despite a few minor bugs that still need fixing but now this article explains what it is, and why it is important as it provide quality work there. Best of luck with the launch and all the exciting activities ahead!
It’s clear that your dedication to wearing sandals is more than just a fashion choice – it’s a statement of determination and personal style! Embracing your sandal choice despite the weather challenges is a reminder that fashion is about expressing yourself and feeling confident in your choices, no matter what others might say about https://writerssite.org/ site. Ultimately, fashion is about embracing what makes you feel good, even if it means braving a bit of weather-related inconvenience. Keep rocking those sandals with confidence – you’re setting an example of staying true to yourself, rain or shine!