The last couple of weeks were, if nothing else, emotional. There’s been death, and new life, reunited family and heart break, fantastic opportunities and late night stresses. Favours and failures, and amazing surprises from unexpected events. This was not just two weeks worth of events right here. We’re talking months of my usual day to day life happening in the last fourteen days, so getting the chance to head out to the park in the sun and take pretty pictures of flowers just seemed like the slow paced, reflective activity I needed.
The weather here is so erratic and just a week later summer has dissipated and we’re all back in winter coats sheltering from the rain. It’s been a long time now since last summer and I miss feeling the sun warm my skin. These pictures of my pale legs don’t tell a story of a sun worshipper, but I’m pretty sure I could solve world peace (seriously) if I only had a bit (a lot) more vitamin D soaking in somewhere.
But on the flip side the rain keeps me working! No wandering through parks and road trips to the beach on bank holiday weekends for me. Instead I’m occupied with exploring many new projects and dipping my toes into fresh ideas, and I’m actually really happy doing this. I’m often torn deciding between the things ‘I should be doing’. Travel while you’re young, work hard and be successful, have a family and the perfect home. It seems there’s a beautifully illustrated ideal arguing a case for all of these choices but none for just getting on with things the best you can.
With this in mind I’ll be dedicating all my social networks to the positive stuff to keep all of us (I’m doing this mostly for myself right now) feeling less ‘aspirational guilt’ and appreciating where we are right now. Here’s my first Instagram post to prove it. I’m lucky to have someone in my life who tells me this when I need to hear it (and take photos of me wandering around a park on demand…) but I think everyone needs to hear it once in a while so take it from me, you are!
You can get the links to my other online places at the bottom of this post. See you there!
What a beautiful post, love. x
Thank you Imogen. I’m so happy you like it! x
Super nice photos <3
I really *really* loved this post :)
Thank you Jesse! I’m really looking forward to coming down to London for the party tomorrow. I love a good day trip to the big city!
I really needed to read this post. I haven’t been experiencing the extremes you have, which I’m so sorry to hear about your losses, but I’m definitely inspired by your ability to keep your head up and stay positive. Thanks for sharing your heart, Fran <3
Thanks Amy. I think that I probably need a little pick me up once a month no matter what is going on really! Whether things are going great, or not so good you can’t beat a little reflective writing to sort you head out a bit. I hope you’re ok. Thanks for commenting x
wow this post is EXACTLY where I’ve been at for the past 3 months, maybe longer I’m not even sure. dude no one ever told me as a “twenty-something” I was going to have to just decide what the rest of my life would be like right here and now. I’m constantly wondering should I be traveling right now? wait why does everyone else around me have a career? also why is everyone else starting a family and doing all this cute pinterest stuff?! sometimes I work myself up over “what i’m SUPPOSED to be doing right now”. I’m slowly learning that there is no hurry. I’m also learning that my personal growth is important to me and my family is important to me. instead of setting all these unrealistic goals for myself I’m taking advantage of the opportunities that are put in front of my face on a daily basis. I’m paying more attention to things that I enjoy and things that I thought I enjoyed but really just stress me out.
anyways, good luck with your journey and I wish you the best. sounds like you’re on the right track to me :) <3
Yes! Thank you so much for writing this comment. It’s reassuring to hear (although I wish we could all just sort it out!) It’s so funny, the other day I was talking to a friend of mine who is travelling in Australia. She was panicking because she was taking so much time out of her career and I was sat at home feeling like I wasn’t making the most of life… I guess it always feels like the grass in greener.
You sound really positive. Can’t wait to read more about your journey on your blog! Keep it up :)
So sorry to hear of your ups and downs (wish they were all ups), but love that you chose to be reflective and positive at a time things could have taken a turn for the worse. Wishing you nothing but the best! PS That necklace is divine!
Thank you Rachel! I think in a way having the blog encourages me to think about the positives. Writing about life kind of helps you to organise it in your mind and come to healthy conclusions. I feel like that anyway. Good to get it all out once in a while!
P.s, the necklace is DIY! (of course)
These are the paradoxes of life where the beauty is hidden; ups and downs make us all feel alive. There is something I learned: when I’m going through hard times, it always help to search for the positive side of things that are happening around me. I’m learning to be happy with where I am and dream less about getaways, in any meaning of this word. You made me think of many things, Thank You.
I need a little positive focus myself. I hope you have an easy transition with all the big things happening right now and I hope you’re able to easily find happiness and peace where you you at each step of the way.
Thank you Kate for your kind words! I hope that in some small way this post might have helped you find your focus. xx