Don’t you just love it when you’ve have an idea for a DIY in your mind for a while and then you find the perfect supplies! I already had the wool roving for this tutorial (I’ve been dreaming it up for a while now) but when I stumbled upon this stunning copper wastepaper basket for a steal of a price I knew this DIY Wool Woven Basket was fate!
It’s the perfect size and has ideal grid spacing for the roving to fit comfortably in. 10 minutes of weaving and you’ll have a basket you might kind of want to cuddle up to… just me? no?
Materials Copper Wastebasket | Roving Wool
Break off metre long sections of the roving wool. I like to use my hands to pull it apart rather than scissors. This helps to weave the ends in more naturally. My roving is quite thick so I parted it into two equal sections. Start weaving one of these through the grids of the basket. Weave around each horizontal space twice or enough to fill it.
Once you are close to reaching the end of the piece of roving take the next piece and weave them both together. Once you have successfully moved onto the next piece go back and weave in the ends.
To move up the basket make sure you continue the weave around the basket so that you go over and under alternating rungs. Weave up the basket until you’re happy with the effect. Cut off the excess and weave in the end.
Absolutely amazing! I love this basket, so cute!
Thanks Monique :D Isn’t that copper colour amazing!
omg this is so cute and easy!
It’s really easy! I just need more baskets now ;D
Love this!!!
Thanks Zoe! :)
So pretty! Oh my goodness, I love that basket!
You know what, I think that’s a pretty good idea! It’s simple, but beautiful :)
Perfect solution for wrangling paper rolls. Thanks for the studio space inspiration!
Softens the interior! Love it!
I know exactly what you’re talking about, Fran…having an idea for a DIY in your mind and weeks later finding the perfect supplies!
Love the combination of the copper and the soft white of the wool.
That is so stinking cute. I love how chic it looks
Ah! Thank you Lily :D I have to admit this is a big favourite of mine xx
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