Finding a balance is something I’m struggling with at the moment. It’s not the worst problem to have I’ll admit. I’m very lucky that I love my full time job, as well as writing this blog, freelancing and growing my business at the same time. But I also want to spend time with friends and my ever growing family. I try to make time for running and I want to start doing yoga. I have an urge to travel before I’m too settled and most of all I want to sleep!
There’s a lot of areas in my life that I’m just not sure how they will eventually pan out, if I’ll have to make sacrifices and if I’ll be prepared to. All of us have ties to family, friends, partners and well, physical places we feel comfortable in, but given the chance would, or even could you leave it all and follow your dreams? How does that impact on others and does that matter?
Someone once told me you have to be selfish to be happy. By this she didn’t mean hurting people, greed or malice. She meant thinking about the best situation for you and putting that above your desire to please others. This thinking changed the way I lived for a while. I think one of the main reasons it works so well is it stops you blaming others for chances you missed. It was cathartic to admit that there were things I thought I wanted to do but created excuses to stop myself feeling as if I could. In most cases this came down to fear of the unknown but also highlighted what I actually cared about and that instead of missing out I was doing the things I really wanted to be doing instead of what I felt I should be doing.
Of course, this is a hard way to live each day and decision making is much more complex than that. Nothing’s ever black and white but maybe this helps make it a little more salt and pepper… (ok, ok. Pretty tenuous link I know. Go with it)
Hey! Great post! This really struck a chord with me, I too feel overwhelmed with decisions and knowing what to prioritize! I love the selfish to be happy philosophy….really apt for me as I am always trying to please everyone! Thanks for sharing!
I am feeling the EXACT same way right now, thanks for sharing! Here’s to being too busy trying everything until we figure out which things are the right ones. :)
love the colorscheme! Salt and pepper matches ist just right :D