I love being able to whip up my own findings when I’m making jewellery. There’s something a bit satisfying knowing that a whole piece like this has been made by my own hands (kumihimo anyone?) instead of having to search through my finding boxes for the right shape, size, colour and diameter jump ring etc. (My finding boxes are not organised like that of course.) But the one thing that I usually make an exception for is the clasp. When I’m thinking about the fastening I’m more inclined to go for security over style but I wanted to create something with a little more substance and came up with this Infinity T-bar Clasp tutorial.
If you want to learn How to make the other elements of this bracelet check out our ‘How To’ page.
1. Cut a piece of wire around 5″ long. This is quite a lot more than we will use for the T-bar but it gives you something to hold onto when making the shape.
2. Wind one end around you round nose pliers a couple of times.
3. Hold the wire just below the coil around the middle of your round nose pliers.
4. Bend the wire around one side of the pliers, all the way back round to the coil.
5. Turn your wire around 180 degrees and bent it around the opposite site of the pliers.
6. Trim the end where it meets in the middle.
7. Holding onto the coil with your pliers, hammer the wire flat to give it extra strength.
8. Attach to your bracelet. You will need a jump ring just over half the size of the bar shape. You can learn how to make your own jump rings here to get the right size.
p.s. On reflection it is probably better to use a smaller jump ring to attach the T-bar to the bracelet, or maybe even a small, thin chain.
That was wonderful, how did you make the end caps for the cord bracelet?