Cord ends are pretty easy to come by but it never hurts to be able to whip one up at a moments notice for your handmade jewellery. They’re a fantastic way to finish cords for bracelets and necklaces, kumihumo braids and leather plaits. So that’s even more of an excuse to make some friendship bracelets and statement necklaces no?
0.8mm wire
5mm Jump ring maker or a thin sturdy cylindrical object
1. Cut a piece of wire around 3″ and wrap around the jump ring maker. Leave a small section at the beginning to grip onto so you can create even loops.
2. After 5/6 loops stop winding and use flat nose pliers to bend the long end of the wire up.
3. Remove from the cylinder and hold the long end of wire between your round nose pliers directly above the coil. Looking from above you should only just be able to see the other side of the coil. Adjust your pliers as necessary.
4. Bend the long end of the wire over the round nose pliers so it now points down.
5. Take out your pliers and place it back onto the jump ring makers. Using flat nose pliers bend the wire 90 degrees to the side just above the coil and twist the rest of the wire around the cylinder.
6. Cut off the excess wire at both ends.
Oh, awesome! I just found your blog and I am so glad I did. Your jewelry tuts are amazing.
Thank you so much Jenn. I try! x
Thank you!
Thank you! Now I know why mine never worked and how to fix them! I quit doing kumihimo because I couldn’t afford nice end caps but now I can start again! My 3 cats will be so happy! I like the wire tacos too- made them for my son who has an extremely adorable (and obnoxious) kitten!