The sun is out here! (a fact all our fellow British readers will appreciate is pretty rare) So I’m currently sitting on a wooden chair on a mound of grass in my garden thinking about tassels. Well, I love them. I want to put tassels onto everything I own, and I started with a statement necklace tutorial.
- Measure and cut 17cm of tassel fringing and diamante strip and 22cm of chain.
- Tie a knot in the end of your embroidery thread and sew onto the solid strip at the top of the fringing.
- Begin to sew the diamante strip onto the fringe.
- Once the diamante is secure, thread you embroidery floss through your chain link. Leave an equal amount of extra chain at each end. I’ve started three links down.
- Once you’ve done that go back through the fringe, around the next space in the diamante strip and back through the chain again.
- Continue to do this until you’ve reached the edge of the fringe. Cut off any excess diamante.
- Take another piece of chain and measure 50cm. Line up your first piece of chain in the middle of this. Let the embellished piece drop down from the main chain section a little.
- Attach the ends of the chain to the main piece. Find out how to open and close jump rings and chain links here.
- Attach the drop beads using jump rings.
- Start from the middle and working your way out.
- Until you are around 1cm from each end of the section.
- Attach a clasp to one end of your main piece of chain, and a jump ring to the other. Find out how to attach clasps here.
You might have noticed some of my links take you back to my old blog Teahab. I’m planning to redo those posts for Fall For DIY in our How to… section. Are there any other techniques you’d like to see in there?
Hi Francesca,
What a cute project! I love it so much that I decided to feature it in our roundup of fringe and tassel crafts! Check it out here:
Have a great day!